
List of variables




User of the command


Everything behind the command


Current channel


Subcount of the channel (requires permission during login)


Followcount of the channel


Current viewercount


Downtime of the stream


Uptime of the stream


Random chatter


Random chatter, but always the same


Get a random number | Usage: %randomnumber%10 > Number from 1-10


Get a random number, but always the same


Current title


Current game


Get data from a custom API | Usage: %customapi% | ONLY PLAIN TEXT RESULTS


Sends the reponse later | Usage: This response appears %later%4 Seconds later!


Random FrankerFaceZ Channel Emote


Random FrankerFaceZ Channel Emote, but always the same


Lists all FFZ Emotes


Random BetterTwitchTV Channel Emote


Random BetterTwitchTV Channel Emote, but always the same


Lists all BTTV Emotes


Amout of times a command was triggered | Usage: any command, this command was triggered %triggercount% times



Number of Chatlines sent by user, defined through %target%


Number of Chatlines sent by all users


Splits the command into several messages


Random user who was active in the past 15 minutes


Random user who was active in the past 15 minutes, but always the same


Just google it 4Head | U will be blacklisted, dont abuse it :)


YT video search



Date of following


Time of following | Usage: %followduration%de or %followduration%en for translation


Last Tweet | Usage: %twitter%NAME


Current value of coins to currency | Usage: %crypto%FLOWEUR


Current Spotify song | Spotify connection required!




Final response


Currently %subcount% people have subscribed

Currently 123 people have subscribed

!shoot TitusDE

%user% shoots %target% in the leg

KATimoms shoots TitusDE in the leg


%staticrandombttv% %staticrandombttv%

PeepoOnChicken PeepoOnChicken

!lines zonekks

%target% sent %chatlines% Messages in here, go and get a life Pepega

zonekks sent 187 Messages in here, go and get a life Pepega

Last updated

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